The Light ‘Bulb’ Moment!

Karina’s Environmental Cooking Tip!


There are many light ‘bulb’ moments in life, however, pay attention to this particular ‘bulb.’ All you need to do, in order to grow garlic, is the following:

1/ Buy some garlic bulbs.

2/ Reserve a few individual garlic cloves, allowing them to sprout from the top, as (photographed by myself above).

3/ Once the garlic clove has sprouted, it is ready to plant, precisely how it looks in the picture above. You’ll need a pot, some regular soil from your garden and/or from your lawn. You’ll also need to mix about a quarter of the soil with all-purpose premium compost. With the compost, you can either buy this by the bag from your local farmer, nursery or supermarket. If you really want to be green, you can make your own compost, by depositing vegetable scraps into your soil or canister, then mixing this up with the rest of your soil.

4/ Completely fill your chosen pot with this nutrient-rich soil mixture.

5/ Plant the individual garlic clove in this pot, ensuring you only allow the green shoot (at the top of the clove) to protrude.

6/ Water well, to allow the garlic clove to settle in well.

7/ Place and keep your pot out in part sun and part shade. Near a fence would be great.

8/ Every few days, monitor for signs of new green growth.

9/ Water your garlic plant every 2 days and allow to grow.

10/ Your garlic is ready to be harvested, when half the leaves are dead and half are green.

11/ Don’t water the plant at this stage (for approximately 9 days), as you want to prevent the garlic plant from rotting.

12/ After your garlic plant has dried a little (after waiting approximately 9 days), you are ready to pluck this straight out of the ground. Do this, by grabbing at the base of the garlic plant, to prevent breakage.

Have fun in the garden and the kitchen!


Karina x

Copyright © 2015 by Karina Teuma

16 thoughts on “The Light ‘Bulb’ Moment!

  1. lynne hoareau says:

    Thanks Karina for that useful information. I have always wanted to grow my own, just never got around to it, now thanks to you, will get that garlic clove sprouting. Have a great week.


  2. lindaravello says:

    Sadly Karina, we do not have a garden as we live in an apartment, but I have tomatoes, courgettes, peppers, basil, oregano, mint, Moroccan mint, and tarragon in our window boxes, and I once grew a lettuce from the stem of another, it is on one of my posts, but I cannot remember which, I’ll have a look and let you know x


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